Total Veterinary Point of Care Ultrasound (POCUS)

This two-day course is designed to get you started with ultrasound as a daily part of your workflow. This course can be taken by someone who has never used an ultrasound probe before, or someone who does conventional ultrasound already

Hvad er POCUS

POCUS er en ultralydsmetode, der giver et hurtigt overblik over akut patienters tilstand, og som forbedrer din mulighed for at behandle kritiske patienter på den bedst mulige måde.

Allerede dagen efter kurset vil du kunne begynde på akut ultralyd i klinikken.

POCUS er valideret og evidensbaseret på kat og hund.

Du lærer

I løbet af de to kursusdage får du viden om, hvordan du ved hjælp af ultralyd kan opdage og diagnosticere forskellige sygdomme i abdomen, thorax, hjertet samt få viden om patientens væskestatus.

Du vil også lære at udføre ultralydsguidede aspirationer såsom abdominalcentese, cystosentese samt hvordan du får IV-adgang på vanskelige kar. 

Kurset er for dyrlæger med eller uden erfaring med ultralyd. 

Kurset foregår på engelsk. 

Underviseren Hugo Swanstein siger: 

*"In the early 2000s POCUS was adapted from human medicine with
one study, abdominal fluid detection after blunt trauma. The study was a success and since than the world of POCUS has evolved into multiple different regions and areas. During these two days, you will go over the thorax, abdomen, cardiac, volume status and vascular access but there are more applications where POCUS can be useful".

POCUS is originally designed for emergency patients but is not limited to only emergencies and someone how doesn’t know where to start with ultrasound should learn POCUS.
It will change the way you work!

After the course, you will be able to:

  • Diagnose and track thorax diseases such as pneumothorax, aspiration pneumonia, lung contusions, pleural effusion, pericardial effusion and more
  • Diagnose and track abdominal diseases such as abdominal effusion, pneumoperitoneum, gallbladder wall oedema, signs of ileus and more
  • Get more information about volume status and feel more confident in evaluating your patient’s needs, by assessing the
    caudal vena cava and heart
  • Emergency scans of the heart to more confidently rule in or
    out cardiac diseases such as pericardial effusion, forward and backward failure, right or left-sided heart failure
  • Be ready to get all the vascular access you need by learning ultrasound-guided aspirations which can be used in various locations (abdominocentesis, cystocentesis, IV access on difficult vessels, arterial blood samples)"

Tidligere kursister har sagt

”The level of information made it very useful and easy to implement in the daily clinical work”.

“Hugo had a very good and calm way of teaching beginners, and this combined with the high level of information made this fantastic”.

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