CO2 Surgical Laser Review-Practical and Advanced Applications

The first introduction of CO2 lasers in the veterinary field to enhance surgery in general practice started over 25 years ago. This course will start with the basics. Its uses in general practice, its benefits to patients, and Its overall value for the veterinary practice will be reviewed. We will progress to practical and advanced surgucal procedures with the newest concepts and innovations in CO2 laser surgery.

The focus will be on optimal techniques for the best clinical results in a wide variety of surgical applications. This will include simple dermatologic applications to large mass removal, ophthalmic use, OVH and castration using the CO2 laser, intra-oral, intra-abdominal, and perianal surgery, and brachycephalic airway procedures.

This seminar will be beneficial for those currently using surgical lasers to give them a better understanding of the mechanisms behind the effects and to enhance/expand their use and success. It will also be beneficial to those not using the modality yet to help them decide if it is something they want to consider offering. It will arm them with the information needed to make an informed decision about which product may be best for their practice.

This course is for veterinarians

Language: English