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Feline Cardiology - A part of International VETweek 2025

Expand your knowledge with powerful updates on feline cardiology.

This two-day course covers everything from innocent murmurs in kittens to diagnosing and treating left ventricle hypertrophy, congestive heart failure, and feline arrhythmias. You’ll also gain insights into the prevention of arterial thromboembolism and managing complex cases.

Combining theory with hands-on case discussions, this seminar gives you practical tools to elevate your daily practice.


  • Murmur in kittens - innocent murmurs and congenital heart diseases
  • Murmur in cats and ventricle hypertrophy, diagnostics and therapy
  • Dyspnoea – diagnostics and therapy of congestive heart failure
  • Arterial thromboembolism – diagnostics, therapy and prevention
  • Acquired heart diseases in cats: beyond HCM
  • ECG interpretation – warming up with canine ECGs
  • Feline arrhythmias – diagnostics and therapy
  • Participants present own challenging cases: 6-8 cases
  • Participants present own cases: time for 6-8 cases