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Casebased Opthalmology - A part of International VETweek 2025

Do you want to feel more comfortable looking at ophthalmic patients in your clinic? Let’s make eyes less scary and talk about corneal ulcerations, uveitis, glaucoma and get the 6 important steps to remember in the neuro-ophthalmic exam. Learn and have fun in interactive sessions with a lot of clinical eye cases!

This one day course in small animal ophthalmology coverS corneal ulcers, uveitis and glaucoma with focus on clinical symptoms, diagnostic work-up and treatment options.

A brush up on the relevant ophthalmic anatomy, physiology and dynamics of the eye giveS the foundation for the topics and a simple step by step guide to the neuro-ophthalmic exam help to distinguish eye disease from central disease.

All topics are visualized by interactive case-presentations. What can you do in your own clinic, what’s an emergency and when is it time to refer sus.


Corneal ulceration - how can we diagnose it!
When to go for treatment with drops or surgery

Clinical decision making!
A selection of clinical eye cases with an interactive approach

How about that pressure!
What to do with uveitis and glaucoma? Let’s search for the underlying cause

The neuro-ophthalmic exam - let’s make it more simpel!
The six important steps to remember

Clinical decision making!
A selection of clinical eye cases with
an interactive approach